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XV European Society for Agronomy Congress

About the event

The main challenge for the agriculture and food sector is to provide nutritious food for the world's population whilst conserving natural resources. There is an increasingly broad consensus that agriculture and food systems need to be transformed in a way that they simultaneously provide adequate nutrition for all, minimize negative impact on ecosystems and human health and improve livelihoods and resilience whilst being economically viable (CNS-FAO, 2016). These important issues will be addressed at the XV Congress of the ESA.

The congress will offer a broad base of sessions related to crop physiology, cropping systems, farming systems and value chains. It is organized by four Swiss institutions involved in agricultural research (Agroscope, ETH Zurich, FiBL Switzerland and the Swiss Society of Agronomy) and it is open to scientists, professionals and students interested to discuss the scientific advances and possible practical applications.

TempAg's contribution to the conference

Dr Christoph Carlen, president of the organizing committee, sits on TempAg’s Governing Board.


Abstract Submissions Open: 1 November 2017

Submission Deadline: 31 January 2018

 Online Registrations Open: 1 November 2017

Early Bird Deadline: 1 June 2018

Header image credit: Kevin Stelnhardt - Flickr