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TempAg Foresight Workshop

TempAg hosted a Foresight Workshop 'Research shaping policies for sustainable agricultural food systems in temperate regions' inviting stakeholders from academia, industry, research administration and policy, to identify what evidence is needed in order to shape policies for sustainable agricultural food systems in temperate regions.

Workshop Aims:
  • To review current and emerging priorities for policy shaping communities in temperate regions
  • To inform TempAg’s priorities based on the most current science and policy contexts

After 18 months of existence, TempAg hosted a Foresight Workshop 'Research shaping policies for sustainable agricultural food systems in temperate regions' on 5-7th October at The Tower Hotel, St Katharines Way, London, E1W 1LD. 

Participants highlighted a range of areas where TempAg could add value by synthesising knowledge and translating scientific evidence to better inform agricultural policies across temperate countries.

Suggested areas of action included:

  • identifying factors that reduce farm resilience and examining ways to improve resilience across the whole temperate food system. 
  • monitoring the performance of existing policies through integrative assessment tools and calculating the economic impact of agricultural production on natural resources and human health. 
  • connecting sustainable diets with sustainable production. 
  • exploring what types of data policy and industry communities will need in order to advance sustainable agriculture as part of major policy agendas like the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris COP21 agreement. 
  • integrating and broadening TempAg’s existing suite of activities whilst enhancing its visibility.

For more information, please see the booklet, presentations and workshop report, available in the downloads section.